
The Jew and the Fortune 500

The Jew and the Fortune 500

The World and the Jew - The journeys of an observant Jew keynoting to Fortune 500 companies across the globe and how they really see the phenomena the world calls the “Jew”.

Join us for a fascinating lecture by Kivi Bernard the corporate keynote for companies such as Coca-Cola, Merrill Lynch, American Express, Hyatt, Microsoft, Delta, AT&T and more. He’ll share his unique perspective and secrets of corporate life and the life lessons derived from them.

Followed by a selection of fine wines and refreshments.

Chabad of the Plaza District
3 West 57th Street
9th Floor

For more information email [email protected]

A project of:
Chabad Young Professionals | Chabad Young Professionals UES | Jewish Modern Connections | Mazel Tov Connections
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The Jew and Fortune 500   Feb 26, 2014
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