High Holidays - ChabadYP.com
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A 15 minute Shofar Service in the safety of the outdoors. Click here and check out the scheduled times.

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Celebrate the High Holidays with an inviting and warm YP community at the “Pop-Up Synagogue” in the heart of Manhattan. Services will be capacity controlled, reservations are required to attend. Social distancing will be practiced.

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Check out these great options to celebrate Rosh Hashana in the safety and comfort of your home!

High Holiday Sponsorship
Usher in the New Year by sponsoring a High Holiday book, seat or package.
About the Pop-Up Synagogue

Celebrate the High Holidays with an inviting and warm YP community at the “Pop-Up Synagogue” in the heart of Manhattan!

The Pop-Up Synagogue – Because we understand that you may not be accustomed to the synagogue environment, we’ve created a High Holiday experience just for you. The Pop-Up synagogue caters to young professionals seeking to connect with a bespoke High Holiday experience.